Flanagan’s Wake is an interactive, partly improvised environmental comedy in the vein of Tony n' Tina's Wedding.
The show is set in the fictional village of Grapplin, County Sligo, Ireland. Audience members are treated as mourners who have come to the wake of a noted local roustabout, Flanagan (first name unknown). The cast interweaves scripted and improvised stories as the basis for comedic fodder.
Flanagan's Wake has garnered praise from theatrical critics around the United States.
Flanagan’s Wake opened on March 19th, 1994 at the Improv Institute in Chicago. It was conceived and originally directed by Jack Bronis. The holders of copyright (and incidentally, original performers) were Jimmy Binns, Amy Binns-Calvey, Geoff Binns-Calvey, Jack Bronis, Mark Czoske, Phil Lusardi, Patricia Musker, and Bonnie Shadrake (who also served as musical director). Paul Chapman was also in the original cast. Later in 1994, the show moved to the Royal George Theatre, where it ran for several years. The show has been performed continuously in the Chicago area since the initial run.
In addition to the writers and performers listed above, the list of actors having performed in the Chicago cast of Flanagan's Wake reads like a Who's Who of Chicago's comedic talent. Longtime cast members have included Rick Almada, Jason Ball, Jimmy Callahan, Joanne Cloonan, Paul Connell, James Cook, Scott Danielson, Erica Elam, Kera Evans, Mary Fahey, Kevin Fox, John Gawlik, Alexis Gladd, Tom Hanigan, Norah Helling, Mick Houlahan, James Houton, Tasha Anne James, Chuck Karvalas, Brendan Kelly, Alison Laker, Naomi Landman, Jimmie Meader, Debra Miller, Anna Mitcham, Neil McNamara, Jethro Nolen, Kristy Entwistle Nolen, Andrew Pond, Tim Schueneman, Lynda Shadrake, Lydia Berger, Michael Patrick Thornton, Matt Tiegler, and Jean Winkler, among others.
Flanagan’s Wake has additionally been performed in: